Film Editor


As humans, we all vibrate differently and that’s the beauty of it. 

But sometimes, there’s that moment when you become part of a bigger vibration, 

and you wish it’d last forever.

That’s what editing is for me, authentically weaving together all the million elements of a film,

stories, characters, cultures, languages, senses, pauses, laughter, 

to create an all consuming tapestry of vibrations. Fleeting seconds to savour.

Those are the moments I live for. 



Razor sharp comedic timing. Dreamy tableaus. Poignant storytelling. 

Aika can edit it all. Fast. Slow. Weird. Wild. Whimsical.

It’s probably got something to do with the fact that Aika used to be a drummer. She sees edits like rhythms. Weaving together beats and snares and booms and silence into something beautiful, dripping in empathy, or hilarity.

Toyota born. California educated. Tokyo based. Aika has worked with the likes of Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo, Dentsu, TBWA\HAKUHODO, Nike, AirBnB, P&G, Spotify, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Shiseido, H&M; and  with a list of directors that includes Azsa West, Kathi Prosser, Mackenzie Sheppard and Laurent Barthelemy.

Her work “Mom’s first birthday” for Pampers won a Bronze Spike, 3rd Prize at New York Festivals, ACC Bronze and an Ad Stars Silver. A recent Nike spot she cut just picked up Bronze for Film Craft in the editing category at AdFest. 

Her feature length documentary ‘Hafu’ won Best Documentary 2013 at the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival.



Australia and New Zealand

Olivia Carolan or Joe Perkinsat - ARC EDIT


Miho TsuchiyaTOKYO  +81 80 6863 5544